Date of lecture:  Saturday, June 26, 2021   9:00-10:30 PM

Speaker: Mila Younes (Ottawa, Canada)


The lecture starts with the lecturer’s own life story as a young girl born in France into a Kabyle family where the concepts of honour and shame were fundamental to her upbringing. Her own story is also that of numerous women around the world in traditional, patriarchal societies where all transgression of these codes can lead to draconian physical punishment, even to death at the hands of a father, a brother, or an uncle, with the complicity of other family members. Such crimes are committed in the name of honour in order to “wash” the shame felt by the family in blood.

The lecture will refer to Younes’ involvement after her migration to Canada in NGOs to fight against violence against women as an activist as well as working for the Federal Canadian government.

Participation: By Zoom (registration is necessary); Contact:

Organizer: Center for Feminist Gender & Sexuality Studies (FGSS)
